Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 tahun yg byk cerita

lame jugak la aku x update blog ni aku bkn kaki blog pun aku tulis bile rase nak tulis je...ok jom g ke tajuk .

seperti tahun2 yg sebelum ni setiap tahun ade pembukanya dan penutupnya..dan kini thn 2011 dah hampir penutupnya dan bermula la 2012 pd pukul 12 pg nanti..

hmm nak cerita pasal 2011 ni mmg byk haha band yg aku sayang da x bergerak aktif cam dulu ye la mungkin masing2 nak buat hala tuju masing2 tp aku x menghalang dioang hampir 8 bulan aku x beraktif dlm music dlm mase 8 bln tu la aku dpt lihat rakan2 seperjuangan ku berjuang dengan angaktan mereka dan pencapaian mereka mmg cemerlang dan mmg aku gembira utk dioang iaitu shaf bersama2 dgn bizharo pencapaian dioang dkt gbob,hotsound dan battle of the band yg lain2 mmg sungguh cemerlang(salute to abg marikh haha) and secondly peakay bersame2 dgn band stubborn da masuk tv da tu bro hehe video klip and siap da ade production sendiri "this is tag attack" xpe wat slow2 t ade rezeki wat production underground kalahkan mainstream guys k..bgus pencapaian ko pun cemerlang gak peakay keep on rolling bro..
utk jept aku xtau skang ape yg wat sebenarnye tp xpe la bro aku harap ko success je dlm ape2 yg ko wat dimase akan dtg nanti..ko tu da boleh2 diet da..lagi skit je nak macm aku haha..
utk my bro karl izkandar bro kuatkan semangat k bro..igt allah s.w.t..kitoang sentiase mendoakan ko agar ko menjadi seperti biasa semula ok bro rindu mau lepak2 same ko.. ax walopun aku da jarang lepak studio tp kite still skype haha cayala bro brotherhood kite still kuat walopun kite x satu band dulu tp brotherhood dlm cod tu kuat hehe jgn lupe aku blg pisau hehe. ko la peneman aku time aku sepi bro.

mcm2 2011 ni hehe aku sambung blaja jadik student unirazak blk , dpt kawan2 baru , dpt jumpe cinta baru sumenye bende2 yg dpt aku lupekan ape yg da blaku pd thn2 yg lepas...bercuti di pulau aur tempat yg aku xleh lupekan kononnye "study trip" skali pegi lepak2 je alahai lec pun same masuk air haha tp awesome dpt mandi pantai,mkn barbeque tu, dpt tgk member2 mabuk laut haha kamil ko paling gagal haha.. and dpt realease stress dr blaja hehe mmg terbaik aku . haha pastu 3 minggu lepas ade show menari haha kamil2 klaka la lu bro...haha da 3 sem aku kat unrazak rase kejap je da 3 sem padahal aku rase cam aku bru je sambung blaja pape pun kau ade 1 taun lagi insyallah aku akan wat yg terbaik tuk taun hadapan.kamil,prem,majdah,safra and bharat haha koang mmg terbaik la kat genting haha naik kete pak ajiz last2 kurang RM20 pakcik tu pun blah je tp bwk kete ya allah tuhan je tau da tue2 tp bwk kete mcm pelesit turun genting kot haha. haha sir sadriman lec yg paling sempoi arr terbaik ar sir minat kite same music metal hehe...pape pun thanks sir coz ajar kitoang.sedih bile sir da nak tinggalkan kitoang.pape pun gud luck in your future.

tanggal 20 july aku dpt 2 msj yg membuatkan aku happy dan bersemangat first aku dpt dijemput oleh "AMALI" haha pada aku dioang ni band rock yg try to be a modern rock and roll tp ali lu x bleh lu punye character org2 lamo otai2 hehe tp lu stail bro..and then aku dpt lagi 1 band "BALLAD FOR LAYLA"

haha thanks byk2 to onejet,arn and syamim coz percaye dan confident nak amik aku masuk ngan koang seangkatan same dgn aku lutfi haha ko da mcm superman la plak aku tgk ko haha(come on praktice ag bro) haha and thanks weh for the pickup..shaf kite bersame lagi dlm 1 band haha mari kite sambung ape yg kite mimpikan dulu ok bro haha cayala..

Dgn ballad fo layla ni aku mmg bersyukur sgt2 coz dpt wat video clip kat astro MV grant walopun...... dpt main rock the world mmg terbaik arr dgn ballad for layla..haha come on guys kite maju kehadapan aku berharap kite dpt2 lebih dari ape yg kawan2 kite yg lain dpt hehe.....hidup BFL.

ahaha itu la cerite2 aku pada tahun 2011 ni nak cerite lg mmg panjang x lrt da nak taip tp aku highlight event2 yg aku xleh lupe heheh so goodbye 2011 and 2012 lets make a new things to remember.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friendship never end

Cube lihat gambar itu..dan cube pikir sapekah kawan anda yg betul2 buat anda tersenyum setiap ari ? dan sape kah yg slalu ber same anda semasa ssh dan snang? itu lah btol2 kawan sejati.

kite hanyalah kawan kepada kawan , masih aku igt mcm mana aku knal ko dulu.
ko kecewa dgn kawan aku kerana cinta die bkanla yg kau sangkakan,
aku dtg dgn tujuan memberi cinta kepada kau tp hanyalah cinta sebagai seorang kawan,
dan aku lihat aku dpt menggembirakan kau dan ko juga wat aku tersenyum.

sudah berbulan2 kite knal dan hanya bersembang di internet dan telefon
dan akhirnya dpt jugak kite bertemu face to face,
walopon aku tau aku tidak seperti tmn2 ko yg lain
tetapi aku gembira yg ko happy lepak ngan aku , aku pun happy gak.

tetapi nak wat cene? kite hanye dpt bertemu beberapa kali saje,
tuptap2 ko da nak kene blk ke kg kite hanya bertemu 4 kali je,
x sempat aku nak bwk ko berjalan2 dikota raya yg besar ini,
dan hanya lepak di area2 yg dekat ngan umah kau.

time ko sedih aku dtg gak kat ko dan time aku down ko la wat aku gembira blk,
walopon kite x dpt lepak lame tp setiap detik aku ngan ko bermakne,
ko x mcm kawan2 aku yg lain ko special sgt bg aku,
kalo bleh nak lepak ngan ko ari2, tp nak wat camne?tugas harian kite yg x mengizinkan.

setiap saat kite bersame aku hargai sgt and akan kenang sampai bile2,
aku doakan kau bahagia apabila pulang nanti,
ada masa nanti jenguk2 la aku kat sini,
dan jika aku kesana insyallah aku akan jumpa ko jugak.

contact la aku if ada pape xkisah le masalah ke orberita gembira,
pasal aku akan sentiasa ada kat sini utk ko,
telefon,fb and email aku sentiasa terbuka utk ko,
selamat tinggal kawan ku,hati2 pulang ke rumah,jagalah diri elok2
dan igt 1 bende persahabtan kite xkan berakhir sampai bile2.kau la kawan aku yg plg terbaik,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

biarlah berakhir dgn cara yg baik....:)

aku di jemput dgn cara yg baik,
dan aku akan beredar dgn cara yg baik juga,
seperti biasalah dlm persahabatan,
ada juga bertengkar sesama sendiri,

setiap manusia ada melakukan kesilapan,
mmg kita akan marah kepada mereka yg melakukan kesilapan,
tapi sampai bilakah kita akan marah pada mereka,
sedangkan nabi pun ampunkan umatnya inikan kita hanya manusia biasa,

biasalah bila perasaan marah itu menguasai diri,
mulut mule mengata2 kepada mereka,
masa itu sudah tidak terkawal lagi lalu aku terpaksa meluahkan ape yg terbuku di dlm hati ini,
jika tidak aku akan hanya diam utk selama2nya,

walaupun dimata org perjuangan kita ini hanya kecil,
tp bg aku lebih besar dari org2 yg berjuang utk kemewahan dan kesenangan hidup,
kerana perjuangan ini mengajar kita berjuang dgn hati danjiwa kita,
dan kerana perjuangan inilah byk mengajar aku dan mematangkan aku utk masa hadapan kelak,

walaupun rase berat hati hendak menamatkannya,
tetapi aku rase gembira,bangga dan sayang pada rakan2 seperjuangan ku ini,
mereka bukan sahaja rakan seperjuangan tetapi merekala adik beradik dan keluarga aku,
dan aku akan sentiasa mengingati perjuangan yg besar ini,

walaupun perjuangan ini kian lenyap,
walaupun tidak tahu utk bercakap apa,
walaupun tidak tahu ape akan terjadi,
biarlah ia disemadikan dgn aman daripada ianya terseksa,

bkan mahu marah atau pun menyakitkan ati mereka,
tetapi utk menyedarkan mereka,
supaya mereka tidak lakukan di masa hadapan kelak,
supaya mereka lebih berjaya didlm hidup mereka,

walaupun ada yg kata pertemuan itu adalah karut,
tetapi aku hendak beredar dgn cara yg baik dan bukan dgn hanya beredar begitu sahaja tanpa kata apa2,
jika aku melakukan sedemikian ape kurangnya aku dgn mereka yg melakukan sebelom ini,
ini lah cara aku bkn mahu membuang masa kalian tapi utk melihat wajah2 kalian buat kali yg terakhir sebagai rakan seperjuangan,

dan aku ingin meminta restu daripada mereka utk aku memulakan satu perjuangan baru,
dan mungkin aku akan ambil sedikit daripada yg lame menjadi yg baru,
biarlah aku habiskan perjuangan ini sebagai rakan seperjuangan,
tetapi persahabatan kita akan berterusan sampai bila2,

biarlah apa yang tejadi ini menjadi kenangan kite bersama,
kenangan utk dihari tua kelak,
semoga kita boleh bercerita kepda anak dan cucu kite sape kite sebenarnya,
dan mungkin kita akan menjadi cth kepada merka yg lebih muda dari mereka,

sudah ku beritahu aku dijemput cara yg baik,
dan biarlah aku pergi dgn cara yg baik,
biarlah aku tinggalkan cerita lama it bersamanya,
biarlah aku menjadi seorang kawan yg baik,

Dan biarlah ianya berakhir dgn cara yg baik. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

payah jugak

payah jugak bile org x phm2 bahasa ni..bile nak tegur je dier melenting padahal dier x reti nak buat bende tu jgn la wat, wat malu diri sendiri je...mmg la ko incharge tp kalo xreti tu jgn la sampai org tegr pun nak marah be profesional la weh..adoiy pelik aku...huhu

mmg la it is not a big deal for u but it is a big deal for me k...aku da ckp awal2 aku mmg akan wat bende ni btol2 tp jgn nak ambik mudah sgt keje tu bleh x..ko suggest bende tu pastu ko complain susah la ape la..mcm mane aku nak tolong aku bg bende snang pun ko xleh wat tu la lain kali pk dulu sebelom wat keputusan lain kali study dulu bende tu jgn main taram je wat..


hahah org lain buat aku pun nak gak merase ape best sgt twitter ni hmmm xder pe sgt nak diceritakan kat twitter ni rasenye koang sume da follow je la kepada yg ader twitter -!/kimo6749

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

aku bertanya ni!!!

Q 1 apakah aper yg aku buat ini betul?
Q 2 adkah aku mampu mengubah ini semua?
Q 3 bilakanh mereka akan sedar?
Q 4 persoalannya adakah aku org yg betul?

Answer for Question 1

itu lah aku pun sedang berpikir aper yg aku wat ni betul or tidak...hmmm ntah la aku berserah je if xder rezeki bende ni nak berterusan aku bergerak sorang jer..and biarlah bende ni mati tp biarlah ianya mati ngan tenang dari membiarkan bende ini tergantung tanpa keputusan..dan kalo ianya mahu diteruskan teruskanlah dgn penuh keseronokan..

Answer for Question 2

aku rase aku mampu mengubahnya jika yg lain itu mendengar aper yg aku suruh dan nasihat aku...bkn nak menjadi seorang yg gile kuasa..jika tiada sesiapa yg mendengar dan tidak memberi kerjasama maka mati la bende itu...aku tidak boleh buat semua bende aku perlukan pertolongan dari mereka juga.

Anwer for Question 3

walopon ada seorang yg sedar tp masih ader lagi yg x sedar akan kesilapan masing2...bukan disini nak ckp org disana slh tp org disini pun tau juga slhnye tp disana perlu sedar kesalahan msg2 dan tolong la ubah perangai masg2...ade yg da lupoe diri,ader yg sibuk memberi nafkah(kononye la),ader yg cepat mengalah and ader yg sampai skang stil x reti nak gune otak dgn betul.

Answer for Question 4

Ntah la aku rase mcm bkan aku pun ader kdg2...hmmm

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gibson Les Paul 1959

hye my fren did u see the picture yeah that is a Gibson Les Paul 1959 and by te way this baby has a name and its "rosie lee"(if not mistaken)dis baby is one of the classic,comercial and cool gibson guitar that has been use by many guitarist such as slash,zakk wylde,jimmy page and many more.

im dying to get this guitar..and i have search all the music store they dint have the original Gibson they only have China Copy...and i dint like the copy because the original is much more nicer and the sound is more enormous than the copy one.

just look at that perfect burst damn baby i feel like led zeppelin melody has run into my vein hahah..this guitar is perfect for classic blues,hard rock n roll and smooth solo...heheh maybe some of u guys will give this guitar a high gain distortion...but for my i will not coz dis guitar sound cooler with and overdrive and smooth distortion...not i dint like the high gain because i want this as my old skool riffing guitar(u know what imean?) if i got this guitar the first riff i will play is one off the jimi hendrix,led zeppelin and maybe a little bit guns and roses or skid row...

for high gain it is cool to play as well because gibson has reached 1 of the most top high perfomance guitar in the world i will also try the metal riff on this baby too coz i want to know more about this baby how far can this thing go.but the most thing i want to hear this baby scream on Bugera 6262 or Marshall JCM800 that would definetely made my day....yeah hahah

Saturday, February 26, 2011

x ku sangka

hahaha x aku sangka aku igt aku group leader rupe2nye keje aku sikit je hahaha....aku dok2 la agih2kan tugas kat group member...mule2 aku igt aku yg byk kje coz group leader skali keje aku hekeleh seccubit nasi je keje aku haha..pape pun thanks la eak group member dun worry kalo koang nak pertolongon sila contact aku akan tolong koang

Thursday, February 24, 2011

bugera 6262

yoyoyo what up yall?...hey just look at the picture..that baby is one of my favourite amp head that head is cool,awesome and to many cool words to describe.nowadays everyone look into marshall or mesa agreed that both that amp is a great amp from the crunchy rock and roll to the low end heavy dark metal..but for me burgera is the thing that i always searching for my sound i have try this baby and my expectation of this amp is to little,th 6262 give the full blast of distortion and the smooth and warm clean tone that i ever heard.

this amp is tube but im not sure what tube are they using? because i dint finish my research yet on this one,just look at the beauty of that beast awww man when can i buy this thing?hmmm maybe in 2 or 3 years maybe.when i tried the bugera 6262 i feel like being blown away buy this amp hahahahah it is sound crazy but it is true i really love dis amp.

it is not much of features that this model gave to you but you will satisfied with the tone and sound of this beast..u dont need to put a distortion pedal to give a heavy distortion..this baby dirty channel will roar like a lion...u will feel the brutality of this amp but it is also has a lovely in this amp as well..

i dont know what to say about this amp because to big for me to describe, if u guys want to know about this amp i suggest that u guys do a research about this amp on youtube..u guys can search on youtube there's a channel name mtuck5150 his doing some preview about bugera 6262.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

sekadar menegur sahaja.

bkn nak menyakitkan ati,bkan nak membalas dendam,hanya sekadar nasihat dari seorang kawan kepda seorang kawan,apabila nasihat cara baik tidak dihiraukan atau diendahkan nasihat cara kasar pula digunakan dgn kate2 sesat,kalo nak nasihat pakai tgn dan kaki boleh tp apa gunanya jika x sedar2 juga2 buang tenaga je.bila nak betolkan keadaan die plak yg membuat keadaan bertambah lagi rumit.

terlalu byk benda yg aku simpan selama..skang sudah xthn,aku harus keluarkan utk mengurangkan stress aku,tetapi bkn ini sahaja yg aku akan keluarkan masih ada lagi yg harus aku keluarkan bkn ko sorang saje tp ada lagi yg lain...aku tau aku pun manusia biasa aku pun x lari dari membuat kesilapan...apabila keadaan dah menjadi rumit mcm ni harusnya seseorang menegur rakan2nya yg lain termasuk la diri sendiri utk terus maju kehadapan daripada keadaan tergantung dan tiada apa2 keputusan.

bkn nak menyakitkan ati tp nak menegur n sama2 sedarkan diri kita utk menjadi lebih matang.

Monday, February 21, 2011


hye all how u guys doing...i hope everything going well for u guys :)
first i would like to talk about stuff that you would like to get or maybe more specific you would die to have stuff that u like it can be a sports car(evryone one),a super cool computer games,high tech mobile phone,an awesome dog or cat or maybe watever u guys like im also a human being that i want something to owned or i would love to own that stuff lets go and see wat are the stuff that i really2 love to have.

yeah that is the METAL DISTORTION from HARDWIRE..unlike other distortion pedal this baby has the power from the hard rock to crunch heavy metal sound yeah..the sound much more prettier than the look itself yeah if i have this baby i would play the heaviest riff that i could ever made n shred the guitar tru this baby sound yeah it is just like the most heaviest pedal that i have ever found.

well diffrent people with diffrent perception right?well maybe for u guys the metal muff is the heaviest or maybe the boss ml-2(metalcore)or fullbore metal or watever pedal distortion you could fine BUT!! i dont blame u because that is your own choice and this is mine.this pedal have given the great crunch and bottom yeah that's wat i need for my sound,i dont like my sound to be so soft or to deep i like it blasting like a bazooka or a machine gun i want it to feel the crunch of this pedal that's y this pedal is perfect for me n i love this pedal.i hope i will get this baby soon.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

it is time for me to stand tall and alone

use to be in a group of young lad that love to rockin out and going wild on a stage,yeah those gud time really miss those day and now what to do some of us has disappear without a word,some of us starting to loose hope in a music life,busy with study/or working and 1 of us busy with his GIRLFRIEND and his love story(what a loser) but after that all happen that doesnt make me stop to play music yeah i dont care what people gonna said about my music because this is what i really love,this is what i wan to do and i dont give a damn if sumeone said to me "your song sucks dude" and i will reply "thanks bro i will really appreciate it"because im also need a a negative comment or complaint about my song , that make me matured and realized what are my weakness in a song making.

it is time for me to stand up alone because all of my brothers has choose their is ok with me because its their life not mine and i have no right to stop for what ever their doing only if their do stupid things or do drug,alchohol or anything like that,then i will punch them rigth into their face hahaha if they doing those thing la...if not just smile for them..

and thanks to my favourite guitarist on youtube Charlie parra del riego that makes me wanna play music alone wihtout a band yeah only with youtube he already got what he wanted,his band is not quite popular but he just use make his own song and use youtube as a tool to published his song and now his already got his solo album yeah that dude really isnpired me alot for a few month ago.

for me charlie is a great man he also has band but not quite popular but he never gonna stop play music n that's why he still play till for me i will follow charlie footstep to produce music on youtube..yeah i will make a diffrent now..i will not just play some gore heavy riff i will also playing heavymetal riff,and blueas scaling yeah i will return to my oldschool day...i dont want to stop playing music..if i stop then i already waste my money on guitar class in 2005 i dont want to be some trendy wankers that only interest in sumething where everybody does hmmm what an asshole..

i will stand up and i dont care if anyone say bad things behind my back or sumethind bad to me coz i dont give a shit!! if i punch the person i wont get anything if i punch n them RM50 fall out from his face n i will punch him for 100 times everyday hahah lol so lame and maybe one of my brothers will be my competitors after this but i just have one word for u guys "bring it on brother"i will never ever scared if u guys have a great asset in your group because i will bring along my originality,my spirit n the song from my heart.and i will stand alone for now and maybe 1 of my brothers that dint stop play music will join me on my song making hmmm i just hope that i really success with this the combination of the old me and the new me. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

never give a hope

i have been practising all get perfect on back is hurt,tired,i dindt sleep for two days for practising and learn....but i dint care bout that at all.....i hope i will do a great performance...n alhamdulillah i did....with wat i practice n pray all this time...but just one thing make me feel dissapointed...i have sacrifice to practice,learn and all the shit i ve done...from last time until now..i had the same problem..till now that thing happen to me for 3 time....looks like someone that i do so hard for that person looks doesnt care n appreciate wat i ve done....i have work so hard on it....sacrifice to get a perfect...i really dissapointed on that person,but i just want to thanks the people that support me especially my band(ana 4 craig)my ex-band(noexcuse),my housemate,my classmate,my friends and especially my family

never give a hope

i have been practising all get perfect on back is hurt,tired,i dindt sleep for two days for practising and learn....but i dint care bout that at all.....i hope i will do a great performance...n alhamdulillah i did....with wat i practice n pray all this time...but just one thing make me feel dissapointed...i have sacrifice to practice,learn and all the shit i ve done...from last time until now..i had the same problem..till now that thing happen to me for 3 time....looks like someone that i do so hard for that person looks doesnt care n appreciate wat i ve done....i have work so hard on it....sacrifice to get a perfect...i really dissapointed on that person,but i just want to thanks the people that support me especially my band(ana 4 craig)my ex-band(noexcuse),my housemate,my classmate,my friends and especially my family

Friday, February 11, 2011

im tired

wooooooo im feeling really2 exhausted so many things to do assment,research and guitar assment,i m already run out of energy,just drink the isotonik drink but only works for 20 minutes hahaha n then feel tired again huhuhu only sleep for 4 or 3 hours a day and maybe 2 hours or maybe i wont sleep at all just stay awake to get what i came to university for.and already look like piece of shit haha

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ESP LTD EC 50(My precious)

My precious ESP LTD EC50

Hye guys how u guys doing? do u see the picture above ? hehehe 
that would be my GF(not girlfriend but guitar friend haha lol)that is the ESP LTD EC 50 yeah the most cheapest in the ESP production,yup it is cheap but if u found this guitar would be able to beat his brother like EC100,EC200QM or all the model above EC 50.

A lot of people say this when i buy this guitar "What EC50?why dont u get an ECLIPSE" yeah for me ESP Eclipse is awesome guitar but i dont want to go straight and buy the expensive guitar if i dont know what are the specialty of that guitar or that production, i buy this EC50 just to learn what are so good about this production and yeah i fucking love this i have no interest in EMG pickup on Eclipse, they alwasy put EMG pickup on eclispse.before i buy this guitar i have already survey and doing research on this guitar and i have to go to the shop and see and hear the perfomance on this guitar and it really rocks.i prefer into Seymour Duncan pickups yeah coz i like the raw sound of it it can go to smooth blues to hard rock and also go to heavy metal as well.

This guitar is just like make my day haha..i really love it the heavy sound of this guitar i really love it the rosewood fingerboard makes me easily to do fast scalling and this is the EC 50 features :

  • Bolt-On

  • 24.75” Scale

  • Basswood Body

  • Maple Neck

  • Rosewood Fingerboard

  • 42mm Standard Nut

  • Thin U Neck Contour

  • 24 XJ Frets

  • Chrome Hardware

  • ESP Tuners

  • TOM Bridge & Tail

  • ESP LH-150 (B&N) p.u.

  • Finish: Titanium

    With this guitar it reveal the secret about Randall amp.when i buy this guitar my practice amp at the amp workshop coz got something screwed up something i dint remember wat it was.and then my fren was so kind to lend his Randall amp(practice amp about 15 watts)before i play the EC50 i just play with my fren guitar fir the last time because bfore i buy the EC that guitar has served me well its a custome guitar with Les paul body and got the Ibanez V7 and V8 humbucker pickups that guitar really kick ass and when i plugged that guitar into Marshall amp or other high performance amp(Except for randall)i get really2 cool sound but when it comes to Randall amp the clean channel was nice but when it comes to dirty channel it doesnt give this fullu hi gain support just a dirty channel with not much gain even though u have turn the gain all the way up.but when i plugged the EC50 it really sound heavy in the dirty channel the high gain is enourmous just like u using a high gain distortion pedal i said no wonder Kirk hammet using ESP guitar and Randall amp

    hey it doesnt matter if your guitar is cheap,expensive high performance or low performance guitar u just might have to study it same goes to string,pick,amp,distortion or any other effects pedal u just need to study it,eventhough im using this cheapest LTD but i have beat my fren with my heavy,crunchy and smooth that he using the Jackson flying V , at first i was afraid to fight with him at the end his extreme guitar lost to my precious EC50.if u guys want to buy anything not just guitar or any other musical instrument , any other u want to buy like MP3 player,cars,motobike,or the ricke cooker or a lawn mower u just need to survey first,second u need to study it,third u need to find what are the specialty of that product and last make a compare with other product.

    hye guys be a smart customer dont be fool by the salesman or the shop owner with low quality product with unreasonable price.:)

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Call of duty 7 : Black ops

    Hey guys ho u guys doing ?i hope everything going well for u guys hehehe
    ok2 i lets go straight to what im going to tell you about yeah the Call of duty 7 : black ops yup i just finish playing this cool and awesome game i must admit it im in love with this game since Call of duty 1 i have follow this game till now and the latest one modern warfare 2 last year and this year i was in luck my friend gave this game to me.

    This game really make me dont want to leave my room for 3 days haha this game bring you back to war of vietnam where u play as Captain Alex Mason where u being brainwashed by WWII russian dictator's and the traitor of german .no wonder the vietnam using AK47 because the russian's dictator behind all these that's what the game show.

    This game really2 cool coz u got to drive a boat and a helicopter and many weapon they used we never seen before.and this game show when the M-16 first become the US army main rifle.this game is a bit scary bcoz one of the character who guided you to all the mission is actually a ghost hahahaha i cannot tell who it is i dont want to spoil it u guys have to try this game is really cool for combat gamers and finally i got to see how Dimitri petrenko(The main character of the russian concripts on Call of duty 5) looks like.

    you guys go to the cd store and find this game u wont regret for buying this game.well we just wait for Call Of Duty 8 hopefully COD8 will be awesome than Call Of Duty 7.well guys that's all i think now i will try my newest game Need 4 Speed : Hot Pursuit i will review for that game as soon as i finish playin well see you agains guys do follow me up k. :)

    im a soldier without an army

    im a soldier ,with a rifle,grenade,pistol and  a knife but without an army
    who shall i fight for?who shall i kill?and which one is my enemy?
    my enemy?which one ? is it standing infront of me? or behind me? or is it beside me?
    are they wearing a different uniform? or the same?

    im a soldier , and i dint know which one fight with me or to kill me?
    and i saw rite into the enemy eye they tell me something to me
    the person you fight with, will going to kill you
    the person you kill,will going to save you

    im a soldier i have lay down my weapon i ran into the woods
    far away,far from the battlefield seeking peace
    in that woods i also found another 3 soldier just like me
    they ran dint know what should they fighting for.

    And know we are soldier's without an army
    with rifle,grenade,pistol and knife
    we shall fight ,everyone that approach us
    we shall fight to our last breathe